April 07, 2008

hats galore

i love making hats. it's simple, quick and doesn't need a lot of yarns. i made these hats below based on the pattern from garn studio, chezcrochet, bythehook and interweave crochet.

(this is the first hat i made for him last year. he loooves it)

(it's supposedly a bit slouchy...but the yarn's too thick. but i love this result, anyway)

(everybody loooooves this hat!)

(errrr... i think something's wrong with it... i don't know... i'll read the pattern again and make another soon)

(he likes his new flappy hat. i made it for two hours only)

(this one goes to my friend's daughter, Naia, last week. I'm waiting her mom captures her picture wearing it for me)


vantiani said...

ugh, the yellow and the colourful with the flap are briliiant, dearie!

digitalbutterfly said...

kalo topi kuning itu sabtu kemarin koq ndak ada ndu?

randurini said...

ada di gudang gw di atas... hehehehe